On occasions, as per a volunteer client who wishes for their story to be shared in order to allow for reaching others to be helped by this work , I do this “ open case story “ on how I work .
This morning I had a remote session with a gentleman who has been feeling lost and depressed for a while. The pandemic brought it on even more . Additionally his now ex partner of two years brutally dumped him with a post on sofiss as k media , posting her and a younger guy leaving him humiliated , drained , dispirited with life . Clinical details : chakra 1 and 2 blocked. Heart chakra and third eye chakra not doing well either. Upon working in sacred space and opening up to all guidance available, I was made aware of soul loss trauma . After doing the procedure to restore this type of trauma, the message this gentleman had all these years was “ I am not worthy of love “. One of his ancestors came in , always in time for these types of circumstances and it was his grandma , as she introduced herself to me and admitted her daughter ( the gentleman’s mother ) did not do a good job at showing him love . Therefore he started off already heartbroken . In the session we went back to this moment, behind in time and cleared this contract and this belief, installing a more loving one, something like “ I am worthy of love “. Memories are still memories but by losing the *charge *, we stop them from ruling us. The client told me he felt lighter and immediately tired : I told him to rest as this was literally a big journey ! Big possibilities now with this “ renewed heart”.
Traumatic events are something we all experience at some point in our life. I have the uttermost respect to all of you doing your best to cope. However I have a proposition for you: what if I tell you there is a better option, rather than just coping? The option of forever leaving it behind and not ruling you anymore? It is possible, with energy medicine.
In Energy medicine, we co-create a more suitable emotional framework for you and reframe what the trauma has been, releasing its charge and energetic tie to you. I use several techniques and I am lead always to what is best for the situation and for the highest good of all, such as Soul retrieval, cord cutting, extractions, illumination, de-couppling, reiki and chakra clearing. With the right intervention and your complete committal to your goal, we can get past traumatic events and allow them only to be a memory and not something that governs everything we feel and do. I have worked on a gentleman who has seen World War 2 and saw much violence, lost his father and other awful memories. These memories have hunted him for ages, all his life. With this work, we managed to bring him to live in a more serene way, without constantly being brought back to the traumatic events he had experienced. The result is not only thanks to y contribution but also due to his undivided work to make these wounds lose their charge and it worked. I wish to reach many more people and create more of these wonderful stories. Book a time to discuss with me how I can help you at [email protected] How many times have people told you " that is a great job to have, a great neighbourhood to live, or a great car to drive"? Many I am sure.
But what does it mean in the grand scheme of things? Nothing. Nothing because you need to live the life you wish to live, where you want to live it, with whom you intend to live it with and material possessions are just items . Items that ultimately are objects to accomplish daily tasks...such as driving and living, nothing to be ungrateful for but not necessarily to feel blocked about. For years I lived a life that made " sense" on the outside of it all...in a beautiful neighbourhood outside San Francisco, in a vibrant and accultured community, in a beautful landscape and a high rise building with fog and water view, a job that paid decently.....But I was not living in my truth. I was unfulfilled. I used to get so many colds and coughs and did not understand why. There was nothing wrong with working in a community clinic, it is to this day one of my favourite things to do but it was not ALL I wanted to do in my time. There was also nothing wrong with San Francisco, it was actually a beautiful place, with fabulous , progressive people,wonderful landscapes but my being longed for a different energy, a different rythm of life, weather, and ultimately another geography altogether. I then tried leaving at the tropics and I refined even more my personal liking inventory.....that meant no, I needed montains closeby, but no fog ( so long San Francisco indeed) and a place where I could feel energetically connected to. I found several ones, in one trip each. It is taking years to get there because life also has immigration rules that one cannot just bypass by telling the border officer " I am inspired to live here"so the first location dream collapsed but I found the second, coneted in many ways and I am amazed to say.. I am almost there. In all this, I received the call to be a healer and to pair it to my nutrition, adding a different aspect to my community clinic work. It clicked, it came together. When you have clarity, it is all it takes. This process I described in one paragraph took a whole while ( uhm no less than 20 years....) to understand what that was, where and what I was guided to do ..but here I am. And I no longer linger to decide what works and what doesnt...I live a path I chose myself so even when problems arise, I navigate fairly easily to wade out of waters. Whatever you will do, not necessarily the shamanic coach and dietitian like me, you need to first take care of your being, fill your soul so you have a vast well to draw from, not a little creek that is drying out. I, the empath, went though the typical path of whoever has a sensitive side and wishes to do the right thing, but doesnt find right away a mean to get themselves happy. I had to first address-well-yes.....me. I had to be selfish and think about me. I spent many years believing I was thinking about me when really it was all in function of others. This was great and rather useful but it left me dry and lead me eventually to chronic fatigue, something else I had to come out of. And I am here today for you and whoever is reading to let all know you can cut through many years and start living on your terms in 5 major steps: 1) Take time away from a fast, high speed life : you won't be able to receive inspiration when you are going to 230 parties and are out every weekend. Go in nature and just be there. Just listen and messages will come. 2)Regroup your priorities: start from the Big Bang of creating you. What makes you happy? What makes you whole? Are you living in the location , the relation that offers you that? I dont mean to break relationships here but if you are in one that leaves you unhappy, unfulfilled, unrespected and other types of " un" adjectives, it is time to think well about it. This wil be a painful step, as many of us are often in circumstances that are our unconscious choice. But they have been our choice somehow and it is sometimes hard to redirect. Culturally we are brought to not scatter everywhere just for out own sake, we know we have families. I come from an Italian background and moving to the other end of the world was totally supported by my parents but some relatives gave me the eye brow sign. There is a fine balance to follow your bliss without dissing your bonds and it takes some tuning, meditation and inspiration to reach. But it is possible to reach and in spite of being from the so called Italian strong family ties, I made it without suppressing my inspirations. 3) Plan and envision your next steps: Design on paper how you see your life evolving. Do a vision board, lay out all that calls you and in a dreamy -like mental state, put into paper and photos the direction you wish your life. Post it in your bedroom or somewhere you look up to often ...and start working toward your new life plan. 4) Do ceremony on it, gather items on an altar and start conspiring the creation of it. The universe will follow along. If you prefer, I can guide you or do the ceremony for you, letting you be present to it or sending you from a distance elements that will allow energetical partecipation. 5) Assess where and if there are sensible areas of non flow in your body and mind. More often than not, feeling nothing but feeling tired all the time is a sign there are many blocks. This requires guidance and a skillful practitioner to guide you through it. For guidance o any of all these steps, I am more than happy to shedule a session or a ceremony with you at [email protected].
So now you have had several sessions of energy work and you feel so much better , you almost wish to walk to Machu Pichu on foot....well wait: another important task is ahead.....that is, protecting yourself and shielding yourself in the world from lower energies and negative energies.
We have gone through the most important items and crosschecked several sources in energy medicine and all agree. 1) keep your vibration high: meditate, dance, do yoga, stay up in the game of building a strong, positive energy field for yourself. Free resources Meditation: one giant mind: this app teaches you how to meditate in a very easy way and it has a day by day format you will love. Yoga: Do yoga with me/www.doyogawithme.com/ 2) Wear tourmaline or have it with you at all times- this stone yealds protection 3) Have augerine on you- this seals you away from spirtual attacks Being crystal clear and just going around about life is great when you are also prepared to low energies and individuals in low vibration. Someone intensely envying you or thinking intensely bad about you can be considered a psychic attack and can have ripercussions on your wellbeing, unless you shield yourself. This is done maintaining our energies again in high vibration but also having physical tools that systematically block those energies to come to you, such as aegerine 4) see an Energy Medicine coach and have a balancing session. For your use we have included these resources below
AuthorMicki , Energy Medicine Coach, Functional RD Archives
September 2020
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